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Water water everywhere!

By on October 08, 2015
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Water water everywhere!

The bottled water market is booming in Goa – it is the second-most popular liquid refreshment after carbonated drinks. With a rise in health awareness, increase in tourism and easy availability, the consumption of bottled water in Goa is on the rise. Bottled water carries many labels – from spring, drinking and purified to artisan and mineral water. It is also assured that bottled water is much safer than regular tap water, but there is no evidence to show it is healthier. However, all health experts champion the benefits of drinking at least one and a half litres of water a day, and many recommend that you should choose bottled water over tap water.


A well-known brand in India, Kinley mineral water comes with the assurance of safety from the Coca-Cola Company. Kinley water is produced with reverse osmosis, in which the water is desalinised by removing the salt and then further purified.

“Kinley is one of the country’s most trusted packaged drinking water brands best described by its tagline ‘boond boond mein sachchai’. Over the years, Kinley has stood for purity, a trait that has led the brand to become a trusted household name in India. Kinley is known for its quality of water, pure and pristine that undergoes rigorous treatment and processing before it is bottled for sale. Consumers therefore trust Kinley every time that they need to quench their thirst,” say Zonal Vice President (Maharashtra & Goa) of Hindustan
Coco-cola Beverages Durgesh Telang. If you choose to drink mineral water daily at home and work, reading and understanding mineral content analysis labels will lead you to a healthier choice.

Read the full article in 'Viva Goa' magazine copy.
Viva Goa magazine is now on stands. Available at all major book stalls and supermarkets in Goa.

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