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Axis bank hosts CEO Aquasail cup 2018 in Goa

By on February 21, 2018
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Axis bank hosts CEO Aquasail cup 2018 in Goa

Axis Bank recently partnered with Aquasail to host the second CEO cup regatta series at Grand Hyatt Goa in Bambolim.

This was organised as part of Axis Bank’s Extraordinary Weekends, and kickstarts a series of C Suite sailing events with Aquasail, pioneers in leisure and corporate sailing. The event hosted over 40 CEOs from across the country.
They participated in the CEO Conclave and participated in the regatta where CEOs competed for a beautiful trophy which is expected to become an annual event in Goa. The event also included a Club Vistara Sailing Clinic Beach Fiesta, which also organised a special sailing edition for children and spouses. 
Managing director and founder of Aquasail and champion yachtsman Shakeel Kudrolli said, “To bring world-class sailing to India has always been my dream. We are delighted to have Axis Bank, Vistara and our partners onboard as we introduce corporate sailing in India.”
The Axis Bank CEO Cup was co-sponsored by Vistara and partnered by Grand Hyatt Goa, ALMT Legal, Strike Casino and Kingfisher. Prior to the event, Aquasail also conducted certified courses to teach competing participants how to race in a sports format.”
At the CEO Conclave, an insightful CEO Dialogue was powered by Aquasail director and co-founder Zia Hajeebhoy. She said, “The informal atmosphere where CEOS actively interacted with each other was unique and highly conducive to an open dialogue and an exchange of ideas.”  
Some of the CEOS present were Freecharge’s Sangram Singh, Vistara’s Leslie Thng, Scientific Precision managing director Ravi Mariwala, Grand Hyatt Goa general manager Jaco Le Roux, MISB Bocconi managing director Alessandro Guiliani and Star TV’s president of legal and regulatory affairs Deepak Jacob. 
The Aquasail Axis bank CEO cup championship saw 10 teams competing for the trophy with Crazee Carnival winning under the Silver Fleet, and Panjm Pirates winning under the Gold Fleet category. 

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