Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

By on September 06, 2019
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Understand why baldness and hair loss occurs, and possible ways of controlling it

Everyone loses hair. Hair fall is a major concern in males and females of all ages. Hair fall - also known as alopecia or baldness - refers to loss of hair from parts of the head or body. Hair fall is mostly self-limiting, but sometimes it shows seasonal variations and this is where the therapies might work. But when hair fall or hair loss is due to a medical etiology then it should be clinically investigated and treated by dermatologists and trichologists.

Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on what’s causing it. It can occur suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Certain types of hair losses are temporary while others are permanent. People typically lose about 100 hairs a day. This usually doesn’t cause noticeable thinning of scalp hair because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when this cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.It is typically caused by one or more of the following causes: hereditary, hormonal changes and medical conditions, medications and supplements, stress, excessive hairstyling and treatments and radiation therapy to the head.

There are various types of hair losses including male pattern hair loss (androgenic alopecia), female pattern hair loss, telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. Pediatric hair disorders and ageing are fairly common as well. A few scalp disorders can also cause extensive hair loss and so can nutritional deficiencies and endocrine disturbances. Male pattern hair loss is by far the most common cause of hair fall in males. It occurs due to excessive androgen (hormone) levels due to a genetic predisposition. Female pattern hair loss can also result due to excessive androgen levels in females.

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