Being in tune with the UNIVERSE

By on November 09, 2015
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Being in tune with the UNIVERSE

It is important that religion, science and spirituality are in a state of harmony, instead we have each of them disregarding the others. We need to find a balance between the three in our lives to get in touch with our true selves. In the end, it is our own choices that determine how we live our lives

Presently religion, science and spirituality are all absolutely in a state of disharmony. There is an imperative need to bring these three creeds together in harmony and help resolve many issues. It has become
fashionable for a scientist to dump a yogi or belittle a spiritual person; as also, a pseudo-yogi or sadhu to critically comment on science not realising the essence of either.

A true yogi never distances from science as he knows that physics is the ‘Game of the Gods’.
The rishis and sages of the ancienter a were themselves scientists. It is equally true that scientists who have made recorded inventions were themselves sages in their past life. Yet the clarion call of spiritual scientists since time immemorial and again to the physists to awaken to the immeasurable potential of the spiritual medium; the Vedic Sutras – Sankalp Sutras to help man establish contact with the living beings of countless alien planets has been ignored by science. The recent Big Bang experiment and its consequent failure taught a lasting lesson to science.

Read the full article in 'Viva Goa' magazine copy.
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