Making A Difference
RED CROSS has for long been associated with medical aid during times of war or natural disasters, however, the International Red Cross Society’s work is not just restricted to times of emergencies. The Goa chapter of the INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY (IRCS)in Panaji regularly conducts many activities that seek to provide medical help to those who need it More +
‘LOKVISHWAS PRATISHTHAN’ is working towards increasing the facilities for special children with visual and hearing imparities, mental diabilities, so they may enjoy the same amenities as those in regular schools More +
‘... and may the whole world have sight’ is probably the line the Rotary Club of Panaji Eye Bank Trust subscribes to as it urges people to pledge their eyes so that someone else might see More +
At a time when farming appears to be last on the list of a Goan’s possible professions, the Chorao Farmers’ Club is out to encourage the part-time farmer and those who are willing to look at farming as a viable business More +
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