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Risara Properties

Setting out to create his own mark, architect by profession, Gaurang Sinai Suctancar, envisioned creating a brand that, once established lives its own life, aiming at enriching homebuyers with a difference. With this key thought in mind, Prudential Group was founded in April 2003.
Risara Properties, today continues to build one of the best and beautiful buildings that are not just landmarks in the city’s skyline, but in the lives of the customers who have invested in them. Gaurang proudly asserts that, “We have always only strived to provide value to our customers, but since such value is rare, it is perceived as luxury. Hence often we have been addressed as designer label of the real estate industry.”
Gaurang elaborates “To build trust we ensure that business is conducted with absolute integrity and genuineness in all our transactions. We emphasize on delivering a reality that far outweighs the perspectives. Also to ensure customer happiness we go the extra mile to deliver beyond our promises. Through this we let our clients experience the difference it makes to their life.”
It took time and efforts to create a brand like Risara, it is thoughtfully crafted and nurtured with values so that it can make an impact for generations to come.
The founder and his team derive inspiration from the belief that they are contributing towards a noble cause of shaping lifestyles and providing service that’s signature in class. The “why we do what we do” leads everyone’s thought process in the organization so much that one could believe, “if its thoughtful, Its Risara!” clarity of thought and precision are the guiding forces behind every initiative in their pursuit of delivering quality homes. This defines the organic elements of the brand.
The brand stands where it is today because of the couple of elements that contribute to substantiating it such as quality assurance of raw materials used, quality of workmanship, the finesse of aesthetic finishes, value for money in terms of providing amenities, strategically chosen locations of development to provide high returns on investment. All of these intelligently combined, collectively make a project a success.
Risara Properties facades are asthetically designed and are innovative projects. The properties also provide unique services, one that can be never forgotten about. With Risara one is sure to experience the inimitable service experience and uniqueness like never experienced before.