The Mental weight of COVID19

By on October 16, 2020
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With mental health already on the backburner, the pandemic and its consequent lockdown has brought the issue back into focus

Mental health and psychiatry have always been surrounded by controversy. Physical health has consistently received utmost priority while mental health is often neglected.
One would not delay seeking medical attention for any physical illness, but
would not mind suffering through a mental disorder either because they are
not aware they are suffering or because the associated stigma stops them from seeking professional help. This stigma arises primarily due to lack of awareness or simply foolishness. Many illnesses are a result of
psychiatric outcomes. Unfortunately, those suffering are labelled as ‘weak
willed’, are judged, discriminated and disqualified from full social acceptance.
But things have been changing slowly with awareness on the rise.
However, accepting that one has a mental illness or a cause that could
develop into one and consequently seeking help is still not common.
How much stress is too much? We tend to believe that a certain amount
can be handled and delay seeking help. But this mounting stress can be a
trigger and something that could have been curbed at an initial phase leads to
delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Most often, family members’ behaviour also leads to stress. One
tends to dismiss these as behavioural quirks, little realising that they exert a
huge amount of stress. Release or help is required, and if left unchecked can
lead to suicidal tendencies, depression or anxiety. Hence both members are
liable for treatment or counselling.
The current COVID 19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on mental health.
The two are inter-linked in a complex manner. Millions are likely to have
mental health issues due to job losses, financial constraints, familial or social
pressures and uncertainty even after the pandemic is contained

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