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Woman maketh the man?

By on November 20, 2017
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Woman maketh the man?

Governor Dr Mridula Sinha writes to her daughter about compatibility in marriage

My loving daughter Mili,

Stay blessed!

It is wedding season again. In Hindu culture, the wedding date is set at an auspicious time. I recently spoke to many parents in search of appropriate matches for their daughters.
One told me he had found an appropriate match with similar personality, family and cultural backgrounds. But he needed time to think over the fact that although the couple were equally good in studies, his daughter had received higher marks than the match he had found.
I asked whether exam scores mattered so much. He said, “According to our culture, the groom should be better than the bride in every sense. If not better, at least he must be equal.” It made me wonder whether we are still unable to break our orthodox thinking.
During ancient times, it was the woman’s right to select her groom. Women have been selecting grooms who were better in virtues, finance, physique and every other possible way. With time, this right was taken over by her parents who did not even consider her opinion when selecting a husband. It became widely acceptable that the man must be better than the woman. 

Read the full article in 'Viva Goa' magazine copy.
Viva Goa magazine is now on stands. Available at all major book stalls and supermarkets in Goa.

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