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Life in death

By on December 27, 2016
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Death is merely a journey to another world in which the soul is released from the bondage of the body to reap the harvest of its earthly actions

Death is an interesting natural phenomenon, perhaps the only truth and inevitable end that is certain. For an ignorant man, it is a terror as breath in the physical body and its cessation leads to a complete loss while to a mystic who has surrendered completely to God, death is awaited. It is not a finality, as he knows that being an eternal soul, there is neither a beginning nor an end.

Death only makes one discard earthly clothes or worn out garments and move about in a subtle body. After death, the individual soul is released from the bondage of his near and dear ones and goes to reap the harvest of earthly life. It is of a chain of cause and effect that is never ending. Like us, our soul also craves for mystic, serene peace, divine grace and the bliss of existence, consciousness.

When a person has attained a particular state in his spiritual practices, he becomes capable of voluntarily undertaking lofty exalted experiences such as Sahaja Samadhi. But for this, one needs to enter and reach those levels and understand the very essence of life. The realisation of bliss is the first step. It is a stage of virtual ecstasy and in many ways sweeter than worldly joy.

Read the full article in 'Viva Goa' magazine copy.
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